Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sitting Still… Sort of

We are still in Tamarindo, more than two weeks in the same place, cooking most nights, exploring the area, resting and recharging our batteries. 

The first few days we were here we took the SUP’s out, took a surf lesson and spent the days exploring the calmer areas to the North.  The waves just in Tamarindo aren’t huge but for novice paddle boarders getting outside of the waves is still a challenge.  As our goal is to learn to surf on the boards, we decided to take a couple of surf lessons.  We asked around and were told that Pedro’s surf shop was one of the best.  We signed up for 3 lessons each, the first day the waves we larger than normal, and the sets came in fast.  We were both able to stand up and take a few waves and we both loved it.  Unfortunately Fritz tweaked his back so instead of taking the three lessons back to back, we have only taken one.  His back is doing much better but a huge swell came in and the idea of learning to surf in overhead waves is too much for us.

It hasn’t mattered much as we have spent the days not surfing exploring the other beaches in the area and two days just lounging by the pool reading.  The first few trips out were North, where there are coves scattered around sheltered enough to take the boards out and even get the snorkeling gear out.  On each trip we are happy to be in such a lush area, looking for Coati, birds and lizards, when not playing in the water.

On our third day here we ran into Silli and Roman, two backpackers we had met in El Tunco, they were staying in the same place so we decided we would all load up in our car and go down to a break south of Tamarindo, at Playa Grande.  The waves were huge, too big for Roman to try, but we still had fun with 4 people and two dogs in a car with only two seats! 

The next night we decided to barbeque with Roman and Silli, and two of their friends Cat and Dan.  The night included too much rum and coconut so the next day we couldn’t think about doing anything more energetic but driving them (now 6 people in our car) down to another big break where Roman and Dan rode “the best waves of Costa Rica” so far. 

Being able to “sit still” and really explore the area is exactly what we needed, and having the opportunity to really get to know this group of people and hear about their lives in Austria and their adventures in Central America has been great.  Today we will all load up into the truck again and regardless of surfing, paddling, snorkeling or just lazing around it will be another great day.

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