We arrived
at the school around 2 in the afternoon, the drive had been long and we had
gone from the temperate climate of the mountains (63 when we left) to the heat
of Paten (93 when we arrived). At first
we couldn’t find the school, we saw the signs but when we walked in it was a
café. After going in and out a couple of
times I finally asked the girl behind the counter where the school was and were
informed the school was upstairs. I
asked if the director was there and she said no one would be back until 7 PM, I
then explained that we were there to get an apartment and that Fritz would be
starting school the next day so if she could call the director and let her know
that we were here we would greatly appreciate it, unfortunately the phone was
out, so she suggested we come back at 3, when someone else would get there, and
they could take us to the apartment. I
changed clothes in the bathroom while Fritz gave the dogs some water and then
we had a beer while we waited. Around
3:30 the other worker arrived and after a bit of a discussion we all hopped in
our truck (me in the back with dogs) and drove to the apartment.
The tour of the place lasted about 30
seconds, it was a room, no kitchen, a card table with three folding chairs, no
closet or dressers and three extra small single beds, oh and the dirtiest
bathroom I have ever been in. In a less
than polite manner I explained that this was not going to work for us, the girl
who had brought us very kindly said that she would see what she could do and
left, I thought to find the director so we could figure out a solution. Less than an hour later she was back, not
with the director but with a portable stove and a bottle of water explaining
that she could make us a kitchen, when I (less than politely) explained again
that for this amount of money we expected more and that this was really, really
less than acceptable and that the director should really be there to explain to
me what had happened, she shrugged and said basically “take it or leave it” so
we left it.
we were able to find a hotel right across the street from the school, with air
conditioning (not in the apartment), a lake view (not in the apartment), wifi
(not in the apartment) and a sitting area (not in the apartment) for less
money. Thoroughly disappointed, frustrated as well as hot and still not feeling well, we came up with a new plan, we would see Tikal, drive back to Semuc Champey and the Candelaria Caves then check out the bungalows in San Pedro. The next afternoon we headed up to Tikal, we thought that we would spend the night at the Jaguar Inn so we could get to the ruins really early the next morning and then head out. An hour later we were informed that under no circumstances could we take the dogs to Tikal (would have been nice before the 60 kilometer drive but oh well). So back to the hotel, paddle boarding on the lake and at 6 am the next morning we were on our way.
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