Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy

When I was a kid we had a Twuck… it was a Chevy Carryall that started life as a school bus and ended life as a camper.  The front seat was a bench seat with a pull down entrance on the passenger side.  The back seat was empty space for a cooler and a bed.  My dad built the bed, with storage under it and enough room for my sister and I to roll around in the back sharing space with Zorro the German Shepard.

I learned to drive in the Twuck…  First sitting on my dad’s lap to learn how to steer and then with pillows under my bum and behind my back so I could see over the dash board and be far enough forward to reach the pedals.

Trips usually started early enough for my mom, my sister and I to crawl in the back and sleep for the first few hours until my dad decided to pull over for breakfast, then it would be back into the truck pillows propping me up as I read or just stared out the window watching the side of the road or playing the I spy game with my sister.

We bought Moby with the same design plan in mind.  Room in the front for a portable fridge and space enough in the back for a bed with storage under it.  I know my dad is laughing that we are bringing a portable fridge… half the fun of Mexico was trying to find ice for the cooler.  He is also shaking his head at the size of the beast, wider and higher than the twuck  but better suited to the height of my husband (my dad was only 5’10” Fritz is 6’2”). 

We hope that Moby will carry us as well as the twuck, that his 4 wheel drive will get us through rough roads and across streams (we don’t plan on being really crazy).  But mostly I hope that Fritz and I will have as much fun in our twuck as I had as a kid, when I first had a (mis)adventure.